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Designing for Circularity

Client | Auckland Transport

Services | Design for Circularity, Manufacturing, Warehousing, Custom Portal, Lifecycle Management / End of Life

In 2021, we partnered with All Heart NZ to help Auckland Transport (AT) create a circular solution for their bus driver uniforms.

It began with retired uniforms being returned to us, the uniform supplier, for sorting into reuse or recycle and culminated in a design for circularity project in which we redesigned AT’s uniforms. 


Uniform jackets still in good condition had their logos carefully removed and were returned to the All Heart NZ network. These upcycled garments were then channeled towards local communities, extending a helping hand to those in need. 


Uniforms deemed unsuitable for further wear, embarked on a different journey, one that led to recycling.

The fabric from retired uniforms was repurposed, transforming into a soft, versatile fiber. This newfound material found a purpose in various applications, from filling soft furnishings to providing insulation.

Upparel’s new UpTex recycled material

Designing for Circularity

To enhance this entire process, in collaboration with Auckland Transport and All Heart NZ, we launched a "Design for Circularity" project. The key innovation lay in replacing traditional direct embroidery with silicone patches.

Positive Impact

In 2022, this collective effort has led to the reuse of more than 400 jackets within Auckland and Northland communities. Furthermore, an impressive 1,200 kilograms of textiles were given a new lease on life through recycling. 

This ongoing initiative continues to divert textiles away from landfills, effectively contributing to a more sustainable future and allowing All Heart NZ to continue supporting its communities. The collaboration between AT, De Vere and All Heart NZ sets the standard for good sustainable procurement and presents an inspiring case study of what broader outcomes can look like in practice.

Read AT’s full case study Generating Circularity - Sourcing and Repurposing At Uniforms here.